Ivan Suen
2526 0068

Ivan Suen

Ivan brings a vibrant yet serious touch to traditionally paper-heavy practice areas.




Ivan joined Gilt Chambers in 2016 following completion of his pupillage with Mr. Jonathan Kwan, Mr. Tony Ko, Mr. Andrew Bruce SC and Mr. Edwin Choy SC.  He became a member of the Chambers of Lawrence Lok QC SC in 2018.

孫文灝大律師師承關有禮大律師、高東利大律師、布思義資深大律師及蔡維邦資深大律師,2016 年於金葉大律師事務所執業,並於 2018 年加入駱應淦御用資深大律師辦事處。

Ivan has a mixed practice across criminal, civil and regulatory matters.  He has experience in general crime, white-collar crime, regulatory offences and regulatory investigations, particularly advising on matters within the purview of the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”).  He also has a general civil practice, with experience in matters of company law, commercial law, land law, mental health law, employment law, construction law and administrative appeals.


Throughout his practice, Ivan has represented and advised numerous listed companies (on the Main Board or GEM), their directors, former directors, shareholders, upper management and intermediaries in investigations and proceedings before or instituted by the SFC or the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.




2013 – BA in Jurisprudence, University of Oxford

2014 – PCLL (HKU)

2015 – LLM (Corporate and Financial Law) (HKU)




HKSAR v Hung Sze-ho (HCCC 21/2023 – buggery with a man under 16, indecent conduct towards a child under 16, sexual offences, genuine belief that X was over 16), led by Mr. Franco Kuan for the Defendant

HKSAR v Chan Cho-ho & 6 others (DCCC 9/2020 – riot, public order offences, public order events (“POE”)), led by Mr. Charles J. Chan for the Department of Justice

HKSAR v Cheung Chun-yuen, Barry (DCCC 718/2017; CACC 112/2020 – conspiracy to defraud, statutory fraud, white-collar crime), led by Mr. John Reading SC and Mr. Jonathan Kwan for the Department of Justice in trial and on appeal

HKSAR v Yik Siu-hung (CACC 175/2015, i.e. the “Lew Mon-hung (劉夢熊) case” – conspiracy to defraud, white-collar crime), assisting Mr. Jonathan Kwan and Ms. Florrie Chan for the Department of Justice on appeal


Represented the sponsor principal of an international investment bank in proceedings before the Securities and Futures Appeal Tribunal, appealing the SFC’s decision on both liability and sanction, led by Mr. Peter Duncan SC and Mr. Jonathan Kwan

Represented and advised numerous listed companies (on the Main Board or GEM), their directors, shareholders, upper management and intermediaries in matters of:

  • compliance with the Securities and Futures Ordinance, Cap. 571 (“SFO”), its subsidiary legislation, related Ordinances and the Takeovers Code;
  • compliance with the Listing Rules;
  • investigations instituted by the SFC;
  • proceedings before or instituted by the SFC (in the High Court and in the Market Misconduct Tribunal); and
  • proceedings before the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (including the Listing Disciplinary Committee)

Represented an individual charged with carrying on a business in a regulated activity without a license contrary to section 114 of the SFO, led by Mr. Franco Kuan

Advised a Hong Kong securities brokerage with institutional clients across various jurisdictions in Southeast Asia on its compliance with Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information (“AEOI”) obligations, led by Mr. Edwin Choy SC

Advised a Hong Kong law firm on its compliance with reporting obligations under the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance, Cap. 455 (“OSCO”), having regard to any legal professional privilege (“LPP”) asserted over relevant documentation  


Re: Tang Kwai-sze (CCDI 808/2017 – death inquest, coroner’s inquest, properly interested persons, medical negligence), led by Mr. Edwin Choy SC for the Hospital Authority

Chow Tat Kuen v Commissioner of Police (HCMP 1219/2020 – variation of order, legal professional privilege, search warrants, Hong Kong National Security Law (“Hong Kong NSL”)), led by Mr. Jonathan Kwan for the Plaintiff

Lam Ming Wing (林明榮) v Department of Justice & Correctional Services Department (HCAL 39/2017 – judicial review, computation of sentences of imprisonment), assisting Mr. Edwin Choy SC for the Putative Respondents

Y v The Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (HCAL 2837/2018 – judicial review, search warrants, Independent Commission Against Corruption (“ICAC”), Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, Cap. 201 (“POBO”)), assisting Ms. Charlotte Draycott SC for the Putative Respondent

Appeared and involved in proceedings before various administrative appeal boards, including:

  • Appeal Boards Panel (Education);
  • Town Planning Appeal Board;
  • Appeal Tribunal (Buildings);
  • Torture Claims Appeal Board; and
  • Fishermen Claims Appeal Board

Advised a prominent Hong Kong real estate brokerage on the legal ramifications of developing a subsidiary money-lending business

Advised on a production order issued pursuant to the Hong Kong NSL (Implementation Rules for Article 43), led by Mr. Edwin Choy SC, with Mr. Philip Wong and Mr. Kevin Leung

Advised a prominent charity based in Hong Kong on matters relating to the setting up of a trust and the issuing of promissory notes, assisting Mr. Edwin Choy SC

Advised a key witness to a request for assistance in a criminal matter overseas pursuant to the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance, Cap. 525 (“MLACMO”) (WKMP 2945/2017)



2022 – Deputy Adjudicator (in the Small Claims Tribunal)



Ivan is a contributing editor to Archbold, Hong Kong (overseeing the chapter on Costs and Legal Aid in Criminal Proceedings) and a co-editor of the Annotated Independent Commission Against Corruption Ordinance, Cap. 204 (“ICACO”).  He also teaches as a Lecturer (Part-time) at the University of Hong Kong.

孫大律師自 2018 年起為 Archbold, Hong Kong 及香港法例第 204 章《廉政公署條例》撰寫與修訂法律文章。此外,孫大律師亦擔任香港大學法律學院的客席講師。



English, Cantonese & Putonghua

Areas of Expertise
Regulatory & Disciplinary
Financial Market Crimes
General Crime
General Civil