Called to the Bar in 2012, Benny has since gathered experience in handling a wide range of criminal cases. His practice is now primarily focused on criminal and regulatory matters. He regularly advises and appears for construction companies in departmental summons (industrial summons) cases against the Labour Department, the Buildings Department, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and the Environmental Protection Department. His cases often involve dealing with expert witnesses of various fields and disciplines.
勞穎豪大律師於2012年獲得大律師執業資格,並自此纍積了處理各種刑事案件的經驗。 在工作範疇上,他現時主要專注於處理刑事和關於監管事務的案件。 勞大律師經常代表建築公司就勞工處、屋宇署、食物環境衛生署及環境保護署等部門傳票(工業傳票)出庭辯護,及為建築公司提供法律意見。 勞大律師所處理的案件亦會經常牽涉到要處理來自不同學術領域的專家證人。
In his civil practice, Benny has conducted cases on personal injuries, medical negligence and fatal accident claims.
在民事訴訟方面, 勞大律師曾處理過關於人身傷害、醫療疏忽及致命意外等索償案件。
Benny was appointed as a Deputy Magistrate in 2022 and 2023.
Benny advocates in fluent English and Cantonese, and is capable of conducting legal proceedings in English, and in Chinese.
- Deputy Magistrate (February to May 2022, July to October 2022 and February to April 2023) 暫委裁判官 (2022年2月至5月、2022年7月至10月,及2023年2月至4月)
- Non-scientific member (Legal) of the Research Ethnics Committee of the Hong Kong Oncology Study Group (Since 2023 to present) 香港腫瘤學研究學會的醫學論理委員會非科學(法律)成員 (自2023年至今)
- Barrister-at-Law, HKSAR (2012) 香港特別行政區大律師 (2012年)
- Lawyer of the Supreme Court of NSW, Australia (2012) 澳洲新南威爾士州最高法院律師 (2012年)
- Bachelor of Science (Pharmacology) and Bachelor of Law (University of New South Wales, Australia) 澳洲新南威爾士大學法學士及理學士(藥理學)
- College of Law (Australia) 澳洲法律學院
Departmental Summons 政府部門傳票:
- HKSAR v. Gammon Construction Limited & Ors. (ESS 19205-8/2017)
Buildings Department summonses: partial collapse of former Central Police Station (Tai Kwun) (Benny represented the 2nd Defendant who was the Authorised Signatory of the Registered General Building Contractor)
屋宇署傳票:前中區警署「大館」局部倒塌事故 (勞大律師代表第二被告,即案中的一般建築承建商的獲授權簽署人)
- HKSAR v. Gammon Engineering & Construction Limited (STS 8590-93/2019)
Labour Department summonses: fatal accident; collapse of scaffold (Benny represented the Defendant company)
勞工處傳票: 涉及由棚架倒塌所導致的致命工業意外 (勞大律師代表被告公司)
- HKSAR v. Paul Y. General Contractors Limited (KTS 5096-9/2019)
Labour Department summonses: fatal accident; fall from height (Benny represented the Defendant company)
勞工處傳票::涉及由高處墮下的致命工業意外 (勞大律師代表被告公司)
- HKSAR v. Paul Y. Construction Company, Limited (ESS 31759/2019)
Environmental Protection Department: Noise Control (Benny represented the Defendant company)
環境保護署傳票:噪音管制 (勞大律師代表被告公司)
- HKSAR v. Gammon Engineering & Construction Limited (KCS 22402/2019)
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department summons: mosquito larvae and pupae breeding at construction site (Benny represented the Defendant company)
食物環境衛生署傳票: 地盤蚊蟲及蚊蛹滋生案件 (勞大律師代表被告公司)
- HKSAR v. Gammon Construction Limited [2020] 4 HKLRD 670
Labour Department summonses: fatal accident at the Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link (Benny represented the Defendant company and was led by Mr Andrew Bruce SC on appeal (CA))
勞工處傳票案件: 涉及在屯門-赤鱲角連接路所發生的致命工業意外 (勞大律師代表被告公司,並由布思義資深大律師帶領處理該案的上訴)
- HKSAR v. Gammon Construction Limited (KCS 535826-8/2020)
Labour Department summonses: collapse of stanchion (Benny represented the Defendant company)
勞工處傳票案件:支柱倒塌 (勞大律師代表被告公司)
- HKSAR v. Gammon Construction Limited (KCS 1416-26/2021)
Labour Department summonses: fatal accident caused by the collapse of rebar structure at an underwater tunnel (Benny represented the Defendant company)
勞工處傳票案件: 涉及由鋼筋結構倒塌所導致的致命工業意外 (勞大律師代表被告公司)
Commercial Fraud 商業詐騙:
- HKSAR v. LMN & Ors.(HCCC 113/2012)
High Court criminal trial (70+ days): Fraud on various banks for loans (Benny acted for the Prosecution and was led by Mr Edwin Choy SC)
高等法院原訟庭刑事審訊 (共70多天審訊):涉及向多間銀行作出欺詐以獲取貸款批核 (勞大律師由蔡維邦資深大律師帶領代表控方)
- HKSAR v. CKY (DCCC 623/2019)
District Court criminal trial: Theft (Breach of Trust) (Benny represented the Defendant and was led by Mr Edwin Choy SC)
Personal Injuries and Fatal Accident Claims 人身傷害和致命意外索償:
- CXF, the administratrix of the estate of JZD v. SFL Limited (HCPI 186/2013)
Fatal Accident Claim: dispute on quantum (Benny represented the Defendant company)
致命意外索償: 賠償金額爭議 (勞大律師代表被告公司)
- CFY v. CSG Limited (HCPI 1346/2016)
Personal Injuries claim: accident at workplace (Benny represented the Defendant company)
人身傷害索償:於工作地方受傷 (勞大律師代表被告公司)
- NSF v. SFE & Anor. (HCPI 292/2016)
Personal Injuries claim: construction site accident (Benny represented the Defendant company)
人身傷害索償: 地盤工地意外 (勞大律師代表被告公司)
- Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong (Second Edition), Volume 30(1) Firearms, Weapons and Explosives (2023 Reissue)
- Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong (Second Edition), Volume 30(2) Food and Drink (Original Title)